Television Taman Sari then known by the name of Taman Sari Palace, located in the west of Yogyakarta Palace was built during the reign of the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I and completed during the period of the Sultan Hamengku Buwana II. Nevertheless, the location of Taman Sari Television as a bathing place is known much earlier. In the government Panembahan Senapati location of Taman Sari, which is now known by the name Umbul (the water) Pacethokan. Umbul this first with the famous piano major debit and rarefied. Pacethokan became one of the important considerations for determining the location of prospective Palace of Yogyakarta.
Television Taman Sari built after Giyanti Agreement (1755), ie, after the Sultan Hamengku Buwana a long time involved in disputes and wars. The building is intended as a building that can be used to meneteramkan hearts, rest and recreation. Nevertheless, Taman Sari is also prepared as facilities / fortress to face the dangers of the situation. In addition, the building is also used for religious facilities. Therefore Peanggrahan Taman Sari also equipped with Musholla, precisely in the building Well Gumuling.
Taman Sari name consists of two words, namely, the parks' gardens planted flower-bungaan 'and the essence' beautiful flowers'. Thus, the name of Taman Sari intended as the name of a park complex that is really beautiful, or beautiful.
Version Two Stories About Television Development Taman Sari
First Version
In the first version told that the Mancingan (a region in the south coast of Yogyakarta), there are strange people who do not know their origins. Community in the area that many suspect that these people, including countryman jinn or of the forest. Community think so because people are using language not understood by the local people. People are strange and faced to the Sultan Hamengku Buwana II, who was then still ruled. Sultan Hamengku Buwana apparently II deign to take these people as a servant. After several long that people can speak Javanese. Based on the information he admitted as the Portuguese in the dialect of Java is often called Portegis. Portegis people and then as the head servant of making buildings (such as architects).
Sultan Hamengku Buwana II, who was also ordered to make a fortress. Sultan Hamengku Buwana apparently II deign is the result of the work. Employees were then given the position as a village headman, he is known by the name Portegis village headman or village headman Tegis. Tegis village headman is reputedly ordered for the Pesanggrahan build Taman Sari. Therefore, the building Taman Sari Television shows elements of the art building, which came from Europe (Portuguese).
Both versions
According to the version told that in the second when a regent of Madiun called time Raden Rangga Prawirasentika, which has been rendered to the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I begged him to be exempt from the obligation to pay taxes, which is conducted twice a year. Regent undertakes Madiun only when there are requests for Sultan Hemngku Buwana I for decoration and completeness of grandeur palace. Sultan Hamengku Buwana I grant that request.
By the Sultan Hamengku Buwana I Regent Madiun been to make the game as a complement Sekaten from gamelan Sekaten derived from Surakarta. Remaking the game is about one pair, but because palihan Nagari (1755) game is split into two. One to one Kasultanan Yogyakarta and Surakarta to Kasunanan. In addition, Sultan Hamengku Buwana I also ordered Hucknall to the Regent to be jempana 'sedan' vehicle as a bride the daughter of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I.
In the year 1684 Raden Rangga Prawirasentika was ordered to make bricks and kelengakapannya as preparation for building gardens that indahsebagai facilities to reassure the hearts of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. Sultan willed case as recently completed the heavy task (of war) that lasts long enough. Discharge orders Sultan Hamengku Buwana marked with a check that sounds sengkalan Chess Dragon Flavored Freedom (1684).
For the creation of gardens / pesanggrahan above perkenan Sultan Hemngku Buwana I are Raden Tumenggung Mangundipura and led by KPH Natakusuma, which later became K.G.P.A.A. Paku Alam (the son of Sri Sultan wife with a mistress named Raden Ayu Srenggara blog). Making the place of the contest and building culvert 'gorong-gorong' toward the palace, which often also called the Cave Siluman done in the years 1687 and marked with the moon sengkala Pujining Brahmin Ngobahake Pajungutan (1687). While the development of gates and walls finished in the year 1691.
The completion of making bangungan Television Taman Sari marked sengkalan check in the form of relief and flowering trees that are These madunya by birds. Sengkalan check the sounds Lajering reviewed Sinesep Peksi (1691).
In the second version is told that Raden Rangga Prawirasentika can not complete the creation of parks Sari Television building. He stated that such development is in fact greater than the cost of delivering the tax twice a year, which is carried out. By karenaya belilau please stop at the Sultan and allowed. Sultan then ordered K.P.H. Natakusuma for Completion of the building cost is borne by the Sultan of their own.
Television Development Taman Sari this kono involving many workers are not only derived from around Yogyakarta, but also from Hucknall, Kedu, Jipang, and so forth.
Taman Sari building has 36 fruits important part of the building with various names and functions. For more information you can contact
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