Palace of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Palace
The term comes from the palace said ka-queen-an, the adadlah place for the queen stayed. In addition to the palace, kadaton term is also used to mention the same understanding. Kadaton term derived from the words ka-dhatu-an, the place is stayed for the dhatu. There are also the states that the kingdom comes from the Sanskrit language, which means kratu policy. Thus, the meaning of the palace as a place to sit next to the queen / king also regarded as a source / place of wisdom. Sources are king. Therefore, the palace at the time of first recognized as a place to stay and have a queen as a function of the central government and culture.
Just like home, palace or the palace consists of several parts of the building or place that has a different function. In addition, the review of the entire building / place in the palace, all meaning, philosophical, cultural, and religious. The term palace often identical with the understanding of the country. There are also imply that the kingdom is building a fenced and berparit circumference as the center of the kingdom, where kings stayed with relatives / family. Thus, the Yogyakarta Palace is the place stayed kings of Yogyakarta and their families. Therefore, the kings title sultan of Yogyakarta, the Yogyakarta Palace also often called Kasultanan Yogyakarta or Kasultanan Yogyakarta Palace.
The term palace is rarely used by the public. The term kingdom, which is more often used / popular. This is closely related with the letter e peluluhan sounding words in the kingdom have been held long enough.
Material comes from various sources.
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