One night Suro
Study history, tradition and culture that still adheres closely among people Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat. While you browse the streets of Yogyakarta at night, one night Suro, to be the right moment. Suro one night, for some people question associated with this mystical and berfilosofis. In fact, outside the coverage, there are many historical background of important events that occurred in the month of Suro, especially the religion of Islam, which of course affiliated with the culture of Java, Mataram-Hindu.
Background dijadikannya 1 Muharram as the beginning of dismantling the Islamic Caliph Umar ibn Khathab, a caliph of Islam in the days after the Prophet Muhammad died. Beginning from this affiliation, perhaps to introduce the Islamic calendar in the Java community. But 931 years or 1,443 years H Java new era of governance, namely the kingdom of Demak, Sunan Giri II has made adjustments to the system Hirjiyah calendar with the calendar system of Java at that time.
That time, the Sultan Agung unity of its people want to demolish the Netherlands in Batavia, including the wish to "unify Java." Therefore, he did not want to split the people, especially because of religious conviction. Glorious Sultan of Hanyokrokusumo want to unify the group and Surabaya, abangan. In each legi Friday, the local government made the report while teaching done by the district courts, at the same time haul pilgrimage to the tomb and burying Ngampel and Giri. As a result, 1 Muharram (1 Suro Java), which starts on Friday took legi-dikeramatkan also participate, even if there is considered unlucky people who use these days about outside interests, pilgrimage, and the haul. More details about the history Suro One night can be read here.
Javanese tradition
Night, January 19, 2007, many people perform the ritual before the year 1 Sura Java in 1940, which falls tomorrow am, Saturday Pahing, with its own way. Not a little, for it can be said that residents who do rituals Mubeng Beteng, to snarl traffic in the kingdom and the road seputaran protocol. With Tapa dumb, or lock the mouth, no words for this ritual. Which can be as dimaknai ceremony for the introspective, self-relationships in what dilakoninya for the full year, the new year tomorrow at all. Kungkum or berendam in large river, spring or source of the water, the activity that, according to a story many people still coloring tradition of Yogyakarta. The most easily found in seputaran Yogyakarta, which still carry on the tradition with a philosophical level, is Tirakatan Skin and The Movies. Similarly, in Parangkusumo Beach, the area Parangtritis, Kretek, Bantul in Yogyakarta.
Parangkusumo Beach
Of the event, which could take place in every corner of Yogyakarta, the area Parangtrisits coast, especially Parangkusumo, have a distinctive charm in one night Suro. Kohat, a ritual that is not foreign to the ear of Java. The ritual is a yearly ritual Palace Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat. Parangkusumo indeed become a regular place this berlangsungya procession. This is attractive to my visit there in one night Suro. However, my estimate is wrong. Kohat, was held on the morning of 15 Suro. This I can from the accounts of the residents around.
The puppet Cepuri and Nyekar in Parangkusumo, into two main activities on the night. Still, visitors and people who come not only disuguhi crowd and the presentation puppet silence Cepuri a mystical atmosphere. Ruahnya overflow of visitors each year used by the right flower traders, food, and various other services. Valet traditional medicine, traditional massage, and if I do not interpret one-woman companion "appear to be scattered on the consequences berjubelnya visitors.
Wayang Kulit night
The tradition of Javanese culture and heritage is never separated from each important moment, especially customs, in Yogyakarta. Moreover, Suro one night in the southern coastal area with all kinds of trinkets mistisnya.
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