Malioboro crowd also not be many traders from the pavement along a road lined Malioboro selling communications and assessment, almost all of which are offered goods / objects typical of Yogyakarta as souvenirs / gifts for tourists. They trade craft typical of Jogjakarta, among other craft ayaman rattan, leather, batik, silver, bamboo and other, in the form of batik clothing, leather bags, leather shoes, rattan ornament, leather puppet, some key bamboo, spoon / fork silver, blangkon batik [semacan hat typical of Yogyakarta / Java], t-shirts with various models / writing and many others. The traders pavement this is to run the communications and assessment over a table, others only tram to run the plastic on the floor. Malioboro, so that when visitors busy enough just among the visitors will jostle each other because of the narrowness of the road for pedestrian and solid enough because many traders on the side of right and left.
Malioboro end road that connected with a road Mangkubumi and limited by Tugu railway station and end one way to connect with A. Yani. In the area and the surrounding area Malioboro many other locations that can be visited such as Metallica Inggil Jogjakarta Palace, the market Beringhardjo, stronghold Vredeburg, Gedong Senisono, Sono Budoyo Museum and others. Currently Passes can be said as the crowd heart of Yogyakarta city, as many traders and visitors who passed thatch. The area is very busy in the two sides are berkoridor roads and vehicles on the road, albeit one-way road from Mangkubumi but various types of vehicles and meet its road and not wonder if congestion occurs. From traditional vehicles such as rickshaw, gig / carriage / delman, bicycle, cart and motorized vehicles such as cars, taxi, city buses, public transportation, motorcycle and lainny> Area Malioboro as one area of tourism spending mainstay of Yogyakarta, is supported by the shops, restaurants, shopping centers, and the remainder of the traders limanya feet. For shopping, shopping and restaurants are actually the same as the central business and shopping in other big cities, which disemarakan with name-brand large and there are also local names. Goods traded from imported and local goods, from daily necessities to electronics goods, furniture and others. It also provides various handicrafts, batik, for instance, the puppet, ayaman, bags and so forth. There is also a place where foreign currency exchange, banks, five-star hotel to the type of jasmine.
However, do not lag way to browse the Malioboro, which is already very popular. Can walk from end to end on two sides of the street, or the 'gig' [delman / carriage] and pedicab typical Yogyakarta. In the afternoon the area is very crowded visitors Passes good citizens and tourists, especially when the school holiday season arrived, or are a national holiday, which is quite long. Malioboro street from the actual end to end just over one kilometer course, the two sides, and many shops, offices, restaurants and malls and shopping centers, again pulling many traders are lined five feet below the road corridor that under the blazing heat sun and rain. Keramian started since morning until nine at night in the closing shopping center, but the throbbing life of the area Passes did not stop because it is ready stalls Lesbian institute communications and assessment.
For overnight around Passes are also easily obtained from the type of lodging jasmine to five-star hotel. The tourists will not be afraid to enjoy the day-to-day liburannya in the city of Yogyakarta until late into the night even. They can enjoy the meal-in stalls along the road Lesbian Malioboro, which provided food and offered the type of food that is typical of Yogyakarta gudeg rice and fried chicken and Padang food, ChinesseFood and others. While enjoying the cuisine presented will be entertained by music from street traders and delicate enough that many of the guitar just bring others to bring a complete music equipment.
There is a special concern for tourists who want to enjoy the stalls Lesbian asking price of food that I want to order before there is a charge of as less willing, until, until this becomes a special attention from the local government to suspend the board in the area Malioboro writing "Ask list price before you order. " Look for food stalls which are considered reasonable in price from eating a meal and drinks are presented, the act of international tariffs, which is not very fair image of lower Lesbian stalls in the area Malioboro. Unfortunately, if the tourists to visit Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, especially Malioboro is only a one-day visit. This is causing many domestic and foreign tourists to spend all that time liburnya only long enough for the tour to visit Yogyakarta and surrounding areas.
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